Mrs. & Mr. Bluebird

We had a dusting of snow last night and the Bluebirds were very busy this morning. I assume they are here to stay, after more than a week of happily gobbling the dried mealworms. We bought a new feeder on Sunday, specifically for Bluebirds and mealworms. I hung it outside and they were enjoying the contents within 5 minutes.

They are still shy. I have to take photos through the glass storm door and heavily crop the images. I hope they will ignore me eventually.

For the Record,
This day came in very cold with a dusting of snow. It looks and feels like December. I spent the afternoon putting lights on our Christmas tree. We love lots of lights, so it's time consuming. Tomorrow I'll decorate. I love our decorations, it's like welcoming old friends, friends that can 'hang' together for another season. Unlike us, no annual Christmas get togethers this year, but we still have the holiday spirit and enjoy how lucky we are.

All hands wary

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