Day 8

I brought Tom home

(it feels so peaceful - in his own built-by-him book-case, one of his gorgeous  hand tools, candles, the History of England by Churchill that he did not quite finish - a place for me to nap and meditate - my journey is not at all over but this feels very good)

(and i got a bunch of photos that friends up in the Sawtooth Valley in Idaho sent - of the tribute they had on Sunday, poems, peace flags and snow!  Tom began the making of those trails back when he was running the ranch which was cattle in summer and xctry ski folks in winter - where we courted - I will get up there -we have a tribute to Tom started for that small lovely nordic ski spot in the valley of the Gods, as we always thought  of that gorgeous valley)

 (and Denise Levertov
      To speak of sorrow
       works upon it
                             moves it from its
        crouched place barring
        the way to and from the soul's hall.

I think this is true.)

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