Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Cormorant #99

No rain and no wind meant we were on for a walk today - yay! 
Yarrow Country Park was today’s destination and we had a nice stroll up to the weir and around the lodges. There were far fewer people around than when we were last here in the summer which was good - I guess the poor light and damp chilly air might have had something to do with it. 
We had some distant views of a pair of kingfishers that were on the other side of the lake. This was lovely as kingfishers have been a bit of a rarity for me this year. 
We saw quite a few of the usual woodland birds including finches, tits and a treecreeper who was very camera shy. Annoyingly he was on my target list to blip along with the tiny gold rests who decided to remain hidden today. 
On top lodge there were a couple of cormorants on the nesting platform which was a bonus as I hadn’t blipped one yet this year, so was able to add it to my list. I wasn’t expecting to see them at Yarrow. 

This afternoon we will finish our jigsaw -’s taken us ages but is a lovely Springwatch image of a Fox and Cubs. 

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