The Nativity!

I love my wooden nativity and the grandchildren have enjoyed rearranging it over the years. Phoebe tried today!! I was asked to do a poem at church last Sunday and was inspired to write this. I hope you enjoy it!

The Shepherd boy

Daddy Daddy can I come with you
To look after the sheep
I'm a big boy now I'm nearly ten
And I promise I'll try to sleep
They packed some food and off they set
Joining others on the way
He was just so excited
More than words could ever say

It was such an adventure for the young Shepherd boy
To go out with his dad that night
And help tend the sheep on the hillside
It was a wonderful sight
The sky was clear making it a little cold
But the boy was so happy to be out
The sheep gathered closely around them
Providing warmth in the chill of the night

They looked down over the city
an occasional window was lit
By a lamp burning bright in the darkness
It was a beautiful clear starry night
Suddenly the sky filled with a beautiful sound
And a bright light like they'd never seen
The shepherds needed to cover their eyes
Not sure what all this could mean

They felt no fear, just a sense of peace
As an angels voice was heard
Telling about a baby boy
Being born in a manager bed
They then decided to make their way
To the city to visit the child
He was born in a humble stable
With Mary and Joseph at his side

When they arrived their hearts were stirred
As they saw where baby Jesus lay
For this child born to be king of the world
Was asleep on a bed of hay
The young boy was in total awe
Of all that he had seen
He knelt by the manager and touched the child
Laying there so quiet and serene

The stable was filled with such love and Joy
It touched their hearts to the core
As they gathered around the manager
They were just filled with awe
What a night for the young Shepherd boy
To have gone out with his dad
In his short life it must have been
The best night he'd ever had

So as you look in the manager
And see Jesus as a babe
Remember he grew to be a man
And our lives he came to save
He is the real reason for the season
Without him there'd be nothing at all
Don't leave him out as you celebrate
For you he gave his all.

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