The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. - Eminem

Very windy. Not cold, and quite sunny but so windy that walking along the beach with Sandy street dog wasn't much fun for me, although she didn't seem to mind, prancing along the water's edge, and the wind did make the waves dance with white horses which was nice to watch and gave me today's photo. By the time I was nearly home, of course, the wind had dropped significantly so that being in the sun was surprisingly warm for December. 

I just learned (thank you internet) that today in1936 is the day that Edward VIII signed the abdication papers so that he could marry Wallace Simpson. As I'm currently watching "The Crown" from season one, this is of marginal relevance to my evening of ennui. 

Later:  just realized that the odd sound and lighting effects this evening are in fact a full on thunderstorm!  We really are getting a lot of weather this week.

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