“It’s Over There”

Or, The Root of the Problem
Part of the groundworks for replacing the wall, and indeed the building project, needed a large very old tree stump digging out.  Sadly the roots of the old oak in the adjoining field were entangled in it so when an attempt to dig the stump out the oak came with it.
The agent for the land-owner looked at the problem, and declared the oak should be felled anyway because it was already dying.  The builders managed to topple the tee (it was already on the way) and push it out the way so work could carry on, and the tree removed in the fullness of time.  A very sad loss as the willow beside it has to go as well, which was already planned.  Maybe we can plant some replacements . . . ??
The inspiration for the blip came when I was taking a shot for the developer and the contractor pointed to the tree.  Well you just have to use these things, don’t you??

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