Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Ignoring the world

I'm not actually succeeding in my quest to ignore the Brexit shenanigans, nor the rising Covid rate in London, but I feel today I've been indulging in displacement activities, like washing my hair when I might have been having a leisurely morning trawl through Twitter... The best of these activities landed us back in church - so I must apologise now if you're a reader who feels they might as well be a member of Holy Trinity Dunoon. At least today's view isn't one the average member of the congregation ever has: I was standing in the corner beside the altar, because we were singing again and rehearsing for the coming season. Suffice it to say that it was extremely rewarding; it was also perishing cold despite the radiant wall heater and the fact that outside was milder than it has been - standing on a tiled floor fairly sends the chill up the body!

Other than that I've read some more of the Sunday paper, wrapped some unwieldy Christmas presents and experimented with fitting them into a wine box (did I tell you my hall looks like a postal clearing room?). I shouldn't have had the radio on then, however, because it was on Radio 4 and it was all about the suicidal purgatory into which we are about to be dragged ... And then I cooked a recipe for hake that I found in the Sunday Observer a few weeks back. It was a fiddle, but largely, I think, because it was unfamiliar. It involved mint, coriander and a wee green chilli - oh, and some ginger - and was absolutely delicious.

And now I've just completed enough Duolingo Italian to keep me out of the demotion zone - it's not wise to do this after eating and consuming a glass or so of wine, but I managed. I'm utterly exhausted. 

I need a holiday ...

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