Rocks and Blue Tack

Another early start. It's amazing how The Boss just doesn't seem to want to linger in bed on his own. AND given the nights adventure it is a wonder 'Cos he should be tired. My fault? No I don't think so it was actually Mr Blue Tack's fault I think.
It's been a bit hot at night. The B's have an Airconn'd bedroom and I often find myself up there at night but that was not the problem. The problem was Blue Tack and the three blobs of it that held an A4 print on the now bare art wall. The print was of some art that The Boss was keen to have (not his) on the wall and the print was there to try to win The Bossess over the line so was tacked strategically in the middle of the wall and at 2.30 am the blue tack untacked and it fell on to the stairs right ABOVE my house.
"Alert Alert!!! we are being attacked" . I quietly said but as there was no immediate response I repeated it a lot louder. SEVERAL TIMES. Which caused The Boss to get out of bed and look for the source of the problem while muttering quiet gentle things to me. You can just picture this I guess? It is a good thing that not many folk walk past our place at 2.30 am. I mean to bark, he hadn't even combed his hair but it did seem to be standing up more than usual.
All was well when he spotted the picture on the stairs so there was more soothing words to me, he returned the war surplus anti tank gun that he got by mail order, to it's hook by the door (JUST kidding about that bit) and one of us went back to sleep.
So I guess it's no surprise that we shot a moody image this morning, which was cloudy but burned off to sun within an hour or so.
He also wanted to try his new B+W (German) ND filter I guess.

L for lovely Light

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