Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Lynx spider

Oxyopes sp.

Despite their bright coloration, these spiders with their 'custom car' flame paint jobs are still difficult to spot and it is usually when I am chasing something else, like a fly or a hopper, that the lynx catches my eye.

There are several species of lynx in my area and difficult to identify beyond the family name. They are so distinctive and cannot be confused with any other type of spider, with their orange thorax, striped abdomen and legs with conspicuous long spines. Eyes grouped in a circle around its peaked crown and two stripes like tear stains running down to the dangerous bits.

They are not web builders, but like all spiders, they do produce silk. As they move around the bush, they leave a trail of a couple of strands of silk. When they are attacked or prodded too much by an over enthusiastic blipper, they leap into the air and disappear into the undergrowth, saved by their lifeline of silk. They also use the trail of silk to easily move from one branch to the next, like a system of tightropes.

Road trip to Singapore - day 3 is posted and ready for viewing for those interested. Thanks so much for your comments on the first two episodes of this little jaunt.


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