
By Saffi

Ferns galore

Ferns growing down in the gulley on the farm.  The fields drain into this crack in the ground from up the hill and the water flows down to the stream. It is sheltered by trees and undergrowth and makes a good natural passage for wild animals.  The smooth ferns are Hart's Tongue (Asplenium scolopendrium).  Not sure about the others since there are so many species that look the same from a distance.  They may be the Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas).

Watched a zoom WEA lecture on The Art of Christmas by David Brindley.  Lots of lovely old paintings and also over 300 faces in their little boxes listening to the lecture!  Many of them just had their names - I was one of them.

Supper at T and K's.

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