
By ayearinthelife

Chippy Tea

This is not just any chippy tea. This is a Marks and Spencer chippy tea! Having spotted their new range of “chip shop” sauces yesterday, I thought it would be rude not to try one.
Our local chippies are open for business but I can’t really be bothered with the hassle of booking a slot online and then waiting outside in the rain until called in to collect the order. So chunky chips and battered cod fillets into the oven and then it was a case of deciding which sauce. You can choose from gravy or mushy peas (or even tartare if you’re feeling posh) but for me there was only one option - chip shop curry.
Have M&S got it right? Well, it tasted damn fine - almost indistinguishable from the “real” thing. And because I’d cooked the fish and chips in the oven rather than deep frying, I could even claim it was healthy eating! Not that it really mattered because this morning’s PT session must have consumed far more calories than there were on the plate.
Other than the workout, the only other “excitement” today was a visit from an old friend in the afternoon. He’d come round to deliver a Christmas card and had donned full wet weather gear so we could have a catch up chat with him on the drive and me in the open doorway. It was good to be able to talk about everything we’d been doing this year (hint: not a lot, for the obvious reasons!!) but after half an hour he was looking like a drowned rat and I was conscious of all the heat escaping from the house. So we exchanged best wishes for Christmas and the New Year and promised to meet up properly next year, as soon as it was permitted to do so.

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