Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Birthday Girl.

10 years ago today this tiny little girl came into the world 12 weeks earlier than expected. I can still remember the silence in the room, having to ask if she was alive, and if she was boy or a girl.
All her photos as a baby are either on big brother's lap having a cuddle, or surrounded by his toys he shared with her. He was a very loving, attentive big brother when he was 3 years old, not so much these days. He was writing her birthday card last night when he disappeared upstairs, I told him not to write anything horrible. I had to eat my words this morning when she opened her card and found he'd put £5 of his own money in for her. I'm not sure which one of us was more shocked. She's used it to buy the locket in this photo, which matches her new top.

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