My first picture

By ColinCampbell


Today I have been doing "goal oriented leisure".

When I got up I thought there was a chance that I'd waste the whole day either by decorating all day or wandering aimlessly trying to get a blip. I was decorating for 8 hours yesterday so I limited myself to 4 today; painted some window sills, sanded and then buggered off on my bike for a while as a reward.

I did a circuit of the Pentlands and just after The Howe spotted this crazy optical effect in the sky! I'm used to seeing rainbows with the sun at my back, not while looking directly at the sun (I could only really see it with my sunglasses on). It had such a high curvature too, as if a bit of effort climbing this hill would have exposed a circular rainbow. So I jumped off my bike and blipped it, hoping that the polarisation filter and a bit of photoshop tweaking would unmask it - and voila.

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