Leeds General Infirmary

En route to the dental hospital. Two out of three offspring having three appointments this aft. But perfect straight teeth we like, so we don't mind.

I'm going out again (!) for a meal tonight, to celebrate the amazing recovery of a friends 15 year old daughter who had an abscess behind her eye socket, threatening to damage her brain and life within a few hours. After surgery and six weeks in this hospital, she's been given a clean bill of health. She's gotta a corker of a scar, but it's certainly doesn't affect her gorgeousness.

Well worth raising a glass for! A good recovery made and a happy, healthy Victoria! X

My George and Victoria have gone through school together, best friends in the early years. Me and her mum have hoped for a bit of romance from them, it's not happening yet. So it's looking like an arranged marriage is gonna have to be the way forward ...!!

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