Zebra Longwing

Still enjoying a small number of butterflies although they have fewer and fewer flowers to visit.This is a Zebra Longwing, aka...Zebra heliconias, Heliconius charithonia. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1767 and is Florida's State Butterfly. Sadly, the spraying of naled, an insecticide used to kill mosquitoes, has decimated the Zebra Longwing population in Miami-Date County. We see them daily here in Gainesville but not in the large numbers I remember seeing them my home town of Miami. Very sad. 

Today is a special day for C and I. We're celebrating our anniversary with a quiet day at home. Gotta give her credit...Forty-seven years is a long time to put up with me! ;)
Wishing you all a Peaceful Week. Be Safe, Be Well. 

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