Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea


Ladles and Gentlespoons, I present to you - a tiny corner of my garden. The junk at the side of the plot all came off the top. Moss, weeds, small shoots of fox glove and (very very sadly, I have to report) the beginning sprouts of mare's tail. The green at the further away plot is just how this bit was when I started. That's next week's bit!!

I managed not to decapitate any wee flowers, but I have to admit my disappointment - I thought I had more flowers than this. I shall rectify this with more bulbs towards the end of the summer.

Often there are a couple that poke their heads up about the beginning of February for my birthday - didn't happen this year but they're beginning to make up for it now.

thank you for giving me the shame to have to go and work on this! Could only do it for about an hour, my hands were frozen (despite 2 pairs of gloves) working with the cold ground. SO i came in and made lunch instead.

Have a good Blipping Weekend!

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