
By shy

Spidey's workplace

So the Grand Prix gets cut off in its prime, and I find myself disappointed and empty. The subject comes up about the priorities of the day. What's for lunch? supper? what's on telly tonight? get the DVD returned, get a load of darks on...
The No 1 priority is where shall we go? This isn't to have a day out, this is to get a blip. Luckily, there was a spider in our studio who overnight had built a web between a rosemary plant that was sitting on the work table and one of yesterday's carrier bags left on a chair. I'm not going to go into why there was a carrier bag on the chair or a rosemary plant on the table suffice to say that there was nowhere to sit and nowhere to do any work on the table. As well as the plant, a macro lens was knocking about on the table, so that was pressed into service for the blip. Having got that and recovered from a bout of cramp from contorting into stupid positions in an attempt to get a pleasing angle, the ordeal was over and 39 pictures were in the can. It turned out that 37 were out of focus. As I stood up with a dead-leg, I managed to knock over the chair and the carrier bag fell to the floor. Spidey was not pleased - a whole night's work ruined.

We still had to go out though because flick had to get blip. Ikea.


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