
By Tryards

Christmas? Easter? And everything in between!

I was totally distracted by the arrival of an early Birthday present - a new camera - and I have spent most of the day playing learning how to use it! Not much wiser now, and the new camera on charge, I quickly resorted to "old faithfull". This cactus was a cutting from one my brother had and my Dad grew it at home for several years before we were married and he gave it to us when he started a new one. Considering we have been married for very nearly 47 years it does very well. About 20 years ago I was fed up with it not flowering and put it out for the dustmen to take - they didn't - and it sat outside (in a sheltered spot) all winter. I felt sorry for it so I brought it indoors and put it in the bathroom where it got covered in talc and (dare I say) cobwebs but IT FLOWERED! Since then it has thrived on neglect and is outside every summer while we are away, brought in again in September and gently watered once a week if I remember. It flowers from Ocober to March. Obviously to coincide with our non-caravan holiday at home

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