
Lovely sunshine this morning but very cold and damp still. I walked round the garden and spotted these tiny Astrantia still surviving. 
Yesterday I had felt really rubbish with my sinuses I decided it was time to get some antibiotics. The steaming was painful and the decongestants had stopped doing anything. It took several goes until I got through to the doctors and after the preamble and choices I was 5 in the queue. I decided to try ask my GP on the surgery's website. It was easy to use and I got a reply in seconds. No appointments but I could ring the extended hours team and see if they had anything. I rang and got a phonecaill with a doctor at 8.45pm. The doctor rang on time and he agreed with giving me antibiotics. He sent a prescription to my pharmacy. This morning I went to collect it. I drove as I didn't feel like walking all that far. What a superb service, I told the surgery receptionist as I passed and thanked them. Another NHS success story. I just hope the antibiotics now do their stuff.
After sitting reading for a while I went outside and cleared the leaves off the grass then went a very short walk in the sunshine. It was nice being outside in the fresh air.

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