
By bananablip

Let’s agree to ignore the greys, ok?

If anyone has met me for more than say, 5 mins, they’ll know that I’m a little obsessed with my hair. Such is the curse of curly hair that good hair days happen about twice a year. Today the curls have been pretty good, it’s just a shame there’s nowhere to take them. Ok, enough about my hair.

It’s been a lovely day in the office today. Our last this year as we’ll be in schools the rest of the week. We had a lovely time reading and praying together, eating mince pies and thinking about our work in 2021. Unfortunately our only school group of the day was cancelled but it was nice to have had that time in the office. There’s nothing quite like it.

Being with humans makes me check the news less, which also makes for a generally happier day. Nervously watching the Covid Christmas discussions though :-/

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