Squirrel Surprise

It's been a long, busy day with countless video calls and daft deadlines. I knew it would be like that, so popped out for early walk to 'brace' myself. I was admiring the view after slogging up these steps (a different set to yesterday) when this cheeky little squirrel appeared. I haven't seen a red squirrel in years (as a child I thought all squirrels were red as there are no grey ones on the island) so it was a lovely sight. Not the best shot as I was all-a-fumble with my iPhone, but managed to fire off a shot without dropping it before he (or she) disappeared into the shrubbery!

Thank you for your kind comments, stars and hearts for the steps and the daughter and other things over the past days. I am very grateful. Struggling a bit with headspace at the moment but had a journal catch up this eve.

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