Coming Down

Out with the Churton Park walkers for the last time this year and it turned out to be a tad more exciting than comfortable.
One of the members needed an ambulance when we were coming back up this hill but it was a good ending as after a good look the ambulance folk declared him to not be hospital material (this time) but he  will be taking a note to his doctor and he won't be climbing any hills for a bit I think. It was kinda steepish and I could feel The Boss puffing a tad.
Our friends had decided to have a pre Christmas lunch and invited us to join so The Boss put away French toast with bacon and other unhealthy additions and is now enjoying toast 4 Tea but did his 8km so I guess its alright. The island in the pic is Somes Island in Wellington harbour that is still on our "visit" list. 
T (with Christmas hat)

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