A Portrait of the Older D.Y.

.......by the Younger D.Y. x

My Grandpa and I had the same initials (well until I went and got married!! hehe). He always signed my cards this way.

Here is Big Papa today, totally unaware that I was taking this shot as he was so busy reading his Glasgow Herald. Again he was in fine form for a gentleman of nearly 94!

The day before his 53rd birthday a wee girl called Dianne (aka the Younger D.Y.) was born. By all accounts him and my Dad had a great time "wetting my baby head!!)

Today Granny, Jessica and I headed through to Dumbarton early doors as Big Papa had an appointment with the Drs just after 11. We then had lunch with him before heading back to get Katie and Johnny from school along with Katie's friend, Maggie. Mum and Dad then had to take Big Papa to another Drs appointment this afternoon!!

As some of you know Megan has been away skiing in Aviemore today. We dropped them off at 6.45 this morning and they are still not back yet (20.30). They didn't leave the slopes till later than planned due to a train getting them off the slopes was faulty. they were also supposed to stop at "The Golden Arches" for a meal on the way home but that has been cancelled. So apart from being late they will also be very hungry children. I am sure it has been worth it though albeit they will have sore legs tomorrow!!

Can't wait to see Megan and hear all about their day. Will let you all know tomorrow.


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