This is going to be my view for 10 days

The receptionist at PRU has a positive test result today. So... we finished at lunchtime, sent all kids home... we spent the afternoon de-christmasing the centre ready for January, updating assessment data and chatting. We have been told to isolate for 10 days, which takes us up to midnight on Xmas eve... great...getting a test at 8 am, I may not get to see DS, if my test is positive.

One of the TAs assigned to my class is being a bitch, passive aggressive and rude.
She made drinks for staff this morning, I added my mug to the queue, she put hot water in, but no milk, when I asked if she would do it for me (we’re not allowed into kitchen when kids lunches are being made) , she refused saying she would when she’d finished the lunches. So I waited a while, then gave up and put my alpro cream in, which I brought for food tech. Later in the day others told me how rude that was, and also other stuff she’s said about me. Like having the temerity to ask her to get PE equipment ready for a lesson!! I’m not sure what I’ve done to offend her, but I’ll try and repair the damage in the new year.

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