Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

World Heritage Site? or Sight?

This is Dundas House, the pride of St Andrews Square and one of the features of the new town. That thing sticking up above it is the bronze top of the new poo hotel the pride of the new St James shopping centre. Edinburgh's planners clearly have a different brief. It is visible from where we live in Blackhall 4 miles away and dominates the skyline from most of the city's view points. I have worked out where the design came from though, see extra. Mind you, ours doesn't have a star!

Church this morning, a nice quiet space in the midst of all the rushing and chaos of the world just now.
I went into town afterwards as I needed to go to my bank, which appears to have turned into lots of tables and chairs and a shortage of people who can do anything! My lovely Clydesdale bank has turned into a Virgin Money shop. Captain Mainwaring/Arthur Lowe would turn in his grave.
Eventually after some worryingly unsocially distanced help with my phone app things were sorted.
My next adventure was a trip to Jenners Christmas shop, don't bother it doesn't exist! I've been trying to get hold of Lindor Christmas tree decorations of which it would appear there is a world shortage so as a last resort I tried Jenners. No luck there either. I've just had to buy extra Lindt chocolate teddys. They're not the same though.
I walked most of the way home from town, stopping off in Soderberg for some Cardamon buns to put in the freezer for time of need. Do you think I'll still be able to get them after Brexit, maybe I should start bulk freezing just in case!

I'm beginning to sound like Mrs Grumpy, sorry!! I'm not really, I've had a mostly good day, honest!

Back home and just enough light left to put some outdoor lights on the Magnolia tree in the garden. All very cheery out there now.

It's all getting very close. Time for my pre-Christmas hairdo tomorrow!

Stay safe and well everybody. I think no matter what the governments are saying we have a very good idea how to keep ourselves safe in whatever our situations are and we will do that. Whether we are going to be with families or not we have learned to be careful and we will I'm sure.

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