Entertaining with Raspberries

After the miserable weather day yesterday, we took advantage of the sunshine in the morning to head out for a walk in the estate.  We decided to go with the new backpack so that we weren't restricted to where the stroller could go.  It is a highly technical piece of kit and we have some work to do to get it right for Euan or for the person carrying him.  However, he did entertain us up the hill with lengthy raspberries, or was that his comment on Tony doing the carrying?!

Euan's understanding has come on in leaps and bounds in recent weeks.  He is now pointing at things in his books, including the words when he wants them re-read, which is often!   There is some expected frustration when he is unable to communicate what he wants or how he feels.  We are using some of Mr Tumble's hand signs and have identified a couple he is using, possibly learned at daycare.

Thank you for your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my 4000th Blipbirthday yesterday.  I am fitting in some commenting here and there, but it will be a while before I am back to catching up.

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