
Been sat on sofa most of the day, listening to the rain on the window pane! I'm a poet and I don't know it! 

I've been trying to tidy up my photo library, deleting and naming stuff. I should really do this  as I go along, but I don't.  I've also got the whole years WhatsApp pictures, and my pictures in a folder to transfer onto memory sticks, and then present to the girls for Christmas. At least they then have a record and can do with them what they want. They don't have the time to do this kind of 'admin', but they love their photos.

Before I realised it , it was dark and I needed a blip, so I nipped down the road and took a shot of the lights in a neighbours front garden. I don't know these people so thought I'd run it through a filter. Filters are something I've recently discovered, they are fun, but I do feel I'm cheating using them. At least in this case the house isn't easily identified. 

I will try harder tomorrow!

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