As good as the packaging

I bought this because the packaging caught my eye. It smells as good as it looks though - think that is the orange oil.

I went to the hairdressers first thing for a long overdue haircut. I had it chopped even shorter than usual just in case of a harsher lockdown in January.  I got totally soaked heading there - always seems to rain in haircut days!

Then had a nice outdoor walking chat with a friend, a coffee shop trip with Ian, topped up my yarn stash a bit with a trip to the wool shop and then headed home. I then popped out again with mum as she wanted to get some steps in and Dad wasn’t feeling like an outing.  That brought up my 5 miles for the day and I now have 50 miles to get through to make sure I do 2020 miles by end of December.

I saw a deal of Kindle Unlimited for 99p for 3 months so signed up for that to save running out of books over Christmas. I have never really got into Kindle books, preferring print or audiobooks but since we have no local to us bookshops I thought it was worth a go. Hopefully, I’ll be able to browse a bookshop again before too long.  I just best not tell my sister who runs an independent bookstore - she would be horrified.  They are doing a roaring trade, delivering orders to customers now that they can’t have people in the store. They are on lockdown too after cases shot up.  Thankfully my sister recovered well from her dose. And also lucky for her is that her lodger is a great cook. Cooking is so not my sister’s forte and usually she would eat out with friends. As she can’t do that this year with no household mixing allowed she is lucky she will be able to share a lovely meal with her lodger.

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