
By ferryoons

Star of Bethlehem

The extraordinarily rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, on the horizon just to the right of the radio mast, and said by some to have previously been the bright star followed by the Magi. I only know the back of my neck tingled when I saw it.

Not the greatest shot, too much light pollution from Inverness and Dingwall. And I really must repair the tripod so I can use the Nikon and its huge lens. Fascinating though that, to the naked eye, the sky was black and the conjunction was the only "star" to be seen. The camera presented me with blue, and quite a few other stars.

In this context, someone said on BBC radio that the Magi are now thought by some to have been astrologers. Well I first heard over half a century ago that they were Zoroastrians, and by definition astrologers. But this was only the BBC who aren't great at keeping up.

I haven't added  this to the Blip map. It doesn't cover the Solar System.

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