
By DancingAly

Good Deed

I hauled myself up just before 8am today. I did my jobs and thankfully it turned out sunny and nice for an afternoon walk. Little B wore his Barbour coat, and after a bit of carrying and a stop to chat with L, R and Sam the dog, and then his dog-friend, Louie the Chihuahua, we made it to the woods for a nice walk. On our way back through the alleyway that connects the two cul-de-sac's, we encountered this fellow....

All on his own, and slightly whimpery, tail down, we hung around looking to see if anybody was trying to find a dog. He was friendly, and let us pet him, but nobody appeared calling his name. We didn't really know what to do. He didn't run off, he just kept smelling Boden who didn't really like it (he was a puppy), so Mum picked up Little B and we decided to put this dog on our lead. We tried to find a tag, but although he had a collar, we couldn't find one. I wandered away in both directions and asked anybody who happened upon their driveway, but nobody knew of him or knew of anybody looking. We decided to wander to the main road and see if he led us anywhere. 

With an 8kg dog under her arm, and the rain beginning to fall, Mum suggested she take Little B home, whilst I let him lead me to wherever he might go, hoping he might show us the way to his home! I walked a little way up the street past the next cul-de-sac, and then saw two ladies chatting on a driveway. They kindly helped by finding the tag, and then wringing the number! (It was one of those ones that was tucked up inside the collar). As it turned out, he lived in the street where we found him, and I was charged with taking him home! 

It's hard not to be judgmental, but we literally walked past the house with this dog on a lead, and nobody was calling, looking out of the window etc. The owner said he dug himself out under the back fence, but it's not really possible or he wouldn't have ended up where he was, plus he was too clean. I've seen a brown dog a couple of times dashing about weeks ago and followed in my car, never to catch sight of it, but I wonder if it's not the first time he'd made a great escape. 

Anyways, all's well that ends well. If that were Little B I'd hope that somebody would intervene, as it'd have been easy to walk away and not get involved. I'd have felt awful if he'd been hit by a car etc. 

So there you go, the story of when we went for a walk with one dog and came back with two! 

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