
By jennym999

Pavilion House - Barge Walk, Hampton Court

L3 Day 2 - Pavilion House which I pass often. Today I cycled past along a very muddy towpath, Barge Walk which goes from Kingston Bridge to Hampton Court. Lots of puddles, the most I have ever seen there as so much rain recently . The house has had Building work going on for several years and is still not occupied. It was one of several pavilions built by Christopher Wren near Hampton Court Palace for William III about 1700. This one was designed by William Talman who also designed Chatsworth House. The house was apparently sold for about £6million in 2007 and then was for sale in 2012 for £10 million! Since then there has been much building work including a near duplicate house. See the extra photo with the grand steps between the two. The right hand one is the new one! Work is still continuing on the indoor swimming pool and gym according to a builder I spoke to. The owner is apparently a (very) wealthy Polish person who has not yet lived there!

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