
By Groggster

Starz In Their Eyes

Today's image is again using my brother as my 'muse'. For some reason as soon as I saw this image another song, "Starz In Their Eyes" by Just Jack (an English musician from Camden Town), popped into my head.
It is a cautionary tale telling people to be careful of the culture of instant celebrity. This is part of the lyrics that I think more relates to an experience most of us have had at some time (I know I have!):

From the Dog & Duck karaoke machine
And Saturday night's drunken dreams..

My brother's suggestion is that this could also be a still from his work's Christmas zoom party (to his great relief this never actually happened!). 

I'm also reading a new book - How To Be Famous, a novel by Caitlin Moran. This is the follow up to How To Build A Girl. It is the further adventures of the "Legendary Dolly Wilde" and I'm loving it already. 

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