Colour pop

Last supermarket shop before Christmas.  Why, when instructions have been issued to only have one person from a household in a shop - it's ignored?  
Made an ordinary-not-Christmas-cake which is  flatter than it should be - disappointing.  Should have made the Sachertorte instead. Hey ho we've got pudding and choc n cherry muffins still and there are only 2 humans and one k9.
Secured Christmas cards using paperclips to ribbon tied to banister with sprigs of mistletoe at intervals.  Saves using non-recyclable sellotape.
Took Murray for walk and encountered a lovely lurcher called Duke.
A household in our street has covid or at least the parents have it and trying to protect their Downs daughter's health and knowledge with the help of other daughter back from uni.  Very difficult and an unenviable situation.
Be careful, and stay safe everyone.

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