
A chilly Maine hydrangea weighted down with ice this morning.  We drove up north partly to deliver yet more packages for Periwinkle Cottage, but also to meet a delivery van bringing two bookcases.  We were informed they would be there between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., so we made sure to leave Boston at 6:00 a.m. so as to be certain of being on time.  We then proceeded to wait ... and wait ... and wait.  It had snowed some time during the night or in the wee small hours this morning, but our driveway had been plowed and sanded.  When we eventually called to find out where the blasted delivery people were, we were told that our driveway was "very steep", and that it "hadn't been plowed".  Rubbish and rubbish.   NO ONE came to the door or bothered to phone us with any concerns about such matters, because if they had, we could have told them (a) you must be looking at the wrong drive, because this one is clear, and (b) you do not have to come down the slope to the house, because we want the book cases put in the garage for the time being, which is right next to the road on the flattest of all possible surfaces!  After much back and forthing with the "customer service" people, we were told it was not possible to have the delivery men come back today, and that we would have to reschedule!  So ... a total of 5 hours driving to and from Maine with precious little to show for it.  Grr.

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