Nine today

Our youngest granddaughter Ella was nine today and we had a little Zoom family get together. Here she is opening her presents, with her Aunt and her grandad looking on. Yes, we all had balloons. It was a lovely session and she was having a Zoom get together with her friends later. 

Because her birthday is so close to Christmas we have always been around and we have all tried to make it a special Ella Day, so it doesn't get mixed up with Christmas. It was sad today that we couldn't be there, but I think she felt the day was special in its own way. (This was her first birthday)

Last year at this time
We gave Ella her presents in person.
We went to France on the ferry
We went to Arras for the Christmas Market

Oh dear!

Addition - I’ve added a picture I have just received of the birthday girl showing off their lovely tree.

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