Hooray for the NHS

I was proved wrong about the NHS failing Carol, when Laura from the District Nurses office at SMH called in today.

What a helpful lady. She promised to keep an eye on Cs swollen legs, (get some special stockings for her) supply us with incontinence pads for night time and supply an air cushion for the chair and hopefully sort out the loo surround which we raised with the OT but who ignored our pleas. The good thing was she listened to us and promised to come again. Later someone else rang about the toilet aid and it looks like everything will be sorted by new year.. Yippee for Dr White who came up trumps and showed some sympathy for our problems.

Also L promised that someone would visit and give C some physio!

Dinner was the Ham for Christmas which we ate hot with mash and carrots, and lots of left over ham.

Tomorrow we have hopefully got a delivery of the final essentials.

Thank s for calling in.

Happy Christmas All and Stay Safe



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