jez' pics

By snappinjez

Kale pizza

Yummy, yummy, yummy...

Had a top game of squash this morning against a tricky customer. Top obviously cos I won, otherwise it would have been rubbish. Actually I'm doing well at not "end gaining" and only focusing on winning but what I'm doing during the match. It's been really interesting that by doing this, when I'm under pressure I find it much easier to stick to my game and not go for shots that really aren't on.
I remember the coach at my old club used to say that the best way to win is simply to eliminate errors (I'm sure he was talking about people playing at my standard where many many errors are played routinely).
Also yesterday I read on by a sports psychologist that when squash players wipe their hands on the glass courts and look up, it's a psychology technique, namely that we think positive thoughts when we look up (and negative ones when we look down).
I love sports psych techniques. They're so interesting and practical.
Ramble ramble ramble...

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