
By karisfitch

Festive feast!

What a treat...our family classic honey chilli chicken takeaway, which was paid for as a gift to our family from a very kind person. Sooo full now don’t think we could eat for days!! *eats entire bodyweight in food the next day*

Lovely to see all the Wilsons/Lydens/Pearsons on a zoom for Secret Santa, love the tradition of adding in the kind words at the start:-)

And to get to see Dad’s side of the family too on zoom, even my Grandma (she’s amazing!) Playing ridiculous games Conor discovered, that Rebekah, Conor and I have now been playing together until 1am! (Which is great - Conor is significantly more talkative past midnight!)

Sad part of the day was hearing about a family friend, who is stuck in hospital long term, and unable to make it home for Christmas - which she had really been working towards. She’s very strong, and has incredible faith still after years of illness. So many strong people out there, who show it each in different ways, many simply by the fact that they’ve kept going.

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