Dawn's Journal

By DawnP


The first day of my holiday, and I spent most of the morning moving books, computer kit, piano and the like so I could start a long overdue redecoration of my lounge. I never realised there was so much stuff squirrelled away in the home office area built under the stairs! Having got the first coat of paint on by mid afternoon, I had an urge to head out for a quick stroll with the camera before attacking the shopping in the local supermarket.

Fleet Pond is the largest fresh water lake in Hampshire and the nature reserve has 135 acres of varied habitats, with the pond occupying about half this area. It was recorded in Saxon times as 'Fugelmere' and supplied fish to the monks of St. Swithins (now Cathedral) at Winchester.

It wasn't the best of weather today, cold and overcast with flurries of fine snow, so the area was very quiet apart from a flock of swans. These were mainly juveniles, and were quite curious about me and my kit. Further round the pond I noticed the reed beds reflecting in the water in the rapidly diminishing light. A swan gliding serenely toward me completed the shot.

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