boxing day madness

It used to be that shops were full of people mad to but more stuff at the Boxing Day Sales..but times have changed. We went in Morrisons this evening just - I had to be in town and since we were there we thought we would get some frozen peas for tea (we haven't got a freezer so we have to buy them just before we cook them!).

Morrisons was very quiet; maybe Storm Bella was putting people off from venturing out. Anyway, Luke was very pleased to find this quirky dinosaur to add to his houseplant collection.

We did manage to get a walk today before the rain came - down to the Cairn with Jess again. Other than that, we haven't done very much. We certainly didn't go to any sales...

D did some art to put on the front doorstep for Bella to complete (see extra).

Now its time to watch this :-)

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