Family get together

Tier 4 day 1.  Hope things change soon.

An early morning walk in the Ashdown forest.  We went to a spot where many people have reported seeing interesting birds.  We did not see anything for ages.  As we were almost back to the car we saw a little bird flitting around the trees.  I took some photos but could not see the detail and Rich said it was a small colorful bird.  Back home I had a look at my photos and could see it was a goldcrest.  Never seen one before so glad to have got a (rather bad) photo.

We pottered around doing some exercise and this afternoon had a family zoom.  It took a bit of sorting to get going but was good once everyone got the hang.  It really was very nice to be able to see everyone.

More films this evening with a very sweet Holly cat sitting on my legs.

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