
By Telthecelt

Walking in the New Lanark (Scotland) Sunshine

Took a drive down the Clyde valley today. Stopped off at Garrion Bridge to look at the massive range of stuff (from agate to zinc-plated toy cars and everything in between-even a stuffed crocodile and several deactivated hand-guns!).
Finally got to New Lanark (one of those World Heritage places) which sits down by the river. Has a youth hostel which may interest someone.Also a building converted to a hotel popular for weddings. Roof garden with fountains etc popular for bride photos. Very pretty place indeed and recommended for a visit and a bowl of soup etc. Early and late light is great there (ok as in most other places). My NikonD5100 started acting up and suddenly didn't recognise there was a card in the slot. Another card not much better. Works and then doesn't. I can 'persuade' a card to be found by (I know,I know asking for trouble) leaving the camera on and ejecting and inserting the card. I hope it was the cold weather but it may be a mucky contact in the camera card slot.

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