Daisy’s house

A beautiful day after the storm last night which I appeared to listen to most of. Rosie and I went for a ridiculously muddy squelch then I took Daisy back to Canterbury on the emptiest roads ever. Dropped her stuff at her house and we went to Asda to get her stocked up. I treated her to fresh sausages instead the frozen ones she buys herself and other such extravagances. Did a drive by of her new house for next year- very nice, talked about all the crazy things we might do without any virus measure such as meeting in London for lunch. Then I gulped a bit and left, leaving her to tidy her second bedroom of the day.

Home for a brisk walk along the seafront. Obviously I still have 20% of my 100k walking challenge to do in the next four days, no point getting these things done too early.

And we settled back into dinner in front of task master. Then Parasite. Tomorrow I am going to be mainly eating vegetables, I have replaced them with cheese over the last few days.

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