
We've had some snow though it is already melting away. I thought it made my car look quite Christmassy. 

We had some drama yesterday evening. I suddenly experienced really bad sharp pains in the side of my chest. They went on for quite a while so mrsfb phoned 999 in case it was a heart attack and an ambulance was sent. I had taken a couple of paracetamol and by the time the paramedics arrived the pains were not so intense, but it was still hard to take a deep breath. The paramedics were really nice and gave me a thorough check including an ECG which was fine. The conclusion was I had probably done some muscle damage when I was putting the recycling out. They had noticed the bins as it was really difficult to get the ambulance up our shared drive past them all.
Q: did you put the recycling boxes out?
A: yes
Q: did you carry them both at the same time
A: yes, and they were pretty full, lots more bottles than usual for some reason
Case closed, I hope. I'm OK this morning, just a bit sore on the side where the pain was.
By the time they got the ambulance back off the drive the pains had completely gone.  And they never mentioned my Santa pyjamas.

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