
By Groggster

Blasting Will Occur

Another (very small) early morning run today on yet another grey and cold day but I always feel better having made myself get out and do it.
Today's image was taken after an early afternoon walk for a take away pint at our local pub in Aylesford, The Chequers. We sat on some steps nearby to drink our pints al fresco hardly being able to feel the ends of our fingers but soon warmed up after the alcohol started kicking in!
Today's image is of a sign just outside the village for Aylesford Sand Pits, which according to a local history internet site is an area of lower cretaceous and pleistocene sediments, which has been quarried over a considerable period of time. I am unable to find out how long this has been for but in the late 19th Century Iron Age burials were found at the site. The quarry itself has had several names over the years but my favourite is Wagon's Pit - it is a much more charismatic name than Aylesford Sand Pits!
The sign does confirm that blasting occurs between the times of 1pm and 4.30pm weekly - this does not happen anymore but did so when we were kids because I can remember the noise of the dull thud of the explosives on a fairly regular basis (we live about two miles away from the quarry) if it was a quiet and wind free day.
The second image is of a compact that appears to have been mislaid on some steps up towards the village church. I just liked the way the colours of the Union Jack stood out against the stone steps.

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