
By HarryJ

She's not sure

Our little frog princess isn't sure about something, neither am I to be honest. 
After a marathon 3 hour service appointment for my car, and waiting 30 minutes in line just to get into a regular run of the mill jewelry store to change a watch battery. they informed me they couldn't get the back off. My son bought me the watch for Xmas and I thought changing the battery to get it working would be a lot less hassle that sending it back 'cos he bought it online. from the US no less. The second jewelry store I went to only had a 5 minute wait to get in before delivering the same message, but they would let the watch maker have a look at it in a day or two. So we will see what happens.
After "numbing " my way through "The English Game" I couldn't be bothered cooking, so pizza, (and wine of course), was the order of the day.

Ah well...

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