Swanning about!

Another chilly start to the day! Up before dawn for yoga class ( I wouldn’t be attending at that hour if not online! :) ) the full moon was spectacular in a clear and starry sky! Even as dawn broke & the moon setting it was huge! :)

Drove up to Gleneagles to meet BF , we walked around the golf courses, so beautiful in the snow, sun and blue sky helps! :)
Families out with sledges for kids and adults ! Great fun!
On way back the loch was frozen apart from this wee bit where the swans were making it their own! Resilient!

Back home I filmed myself reciting a verse of Tam O’ Shanter the epic poem by Robert Burns, we Scottish Blue Badge guides are making a celebration for the Bard’s birthday in January
That was amusing to do........ only 5 takes! I’ve been learning the verse by heart...... good for the brain! :)

A grand chilly day!
Penultimate at of 2020!!
Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine approved yay! Brexit bill passed political comment not required
The day will be marked in history!

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