Sunset somewhere

A lazy day - coffee out early and a short walk before the rain came down! Then home tidying up a little of the Christmas detritus; watching some tv, listening to radio and generally just 'being'..... Towards sunset I took the camera for a ride, hoping to find some light, somewhere and this is what I found.
Extra is an ICM of the same scene.  It was cold - under 4 degrees - so I did not loiter.  Back to hear we are almost everywhere, going into tier 3 or 4! Not a lot will change for me, but feel sad for those in businesses, those wanting to go to school and of course for the poor overworked NHS staff.
Roll on 2021 when hopefully we can kick this virus into touch and try and get back to a more normal, social life.
Thanks to BobsBlips for continuing to support this challenge.

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