As it's Wide Wednesday here's the wide view of yesterday's blip. It was a sparkling blue day today, with icy bits, so the coast beyond the windfarm is clearly visible. Thanks for hearts, stars and nice comments recently. I'll reply soon, but they're much appreciated.

We had a quick video call with 4-out-of-5 sisters and Mum this afternoon because sister A2 in Texas is about to be hit with a major snowstorm (up to 17 inches possibly in her region) which might knock out power and wi-fi for a day or two, so we had to tell her to wrap up warm - as she's our baby sister, and we're allowed to boss her about - and wish her a Happy New Year just in case she's incommunicado when it comes.

Into Tier 4 from midnight. Bring on the vaccines!

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.

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