
O, to have a little house!
To own the hearth and stool and all!
The heaped up sods upon the fire,
The pile of turf against the wall!
Padraic Colum, from A Old Woman of the Roads (his exclamation marks!)

The forecast had been for rain but it was lovely - cold and crisp. No snow here yet though. We nipped down to Gortnakilla for a quick blow. It's a wild and invigorating spot, the waves always big whatever the weather. Today all was blue and incredibly clear but very wet underfoot. You have to be a little sensible as you can see the state of the fence - see extra. The pier too was slippy and slidy with seaweeds and algaes but what a view from the end. The little homestead always gets me - on its own with huge views out to sea. Inside compact but they did have a hearth at each end, the thick walls have been rendered and there may even have been a loft up in the eaves. The lichen is rather amazing colours too.
I am well into old houses at the moment for I was the lucky recipient of Claudia Kinmonth's  Irish Country Furniture & Furnishings 1700-2000 for Christmas, an absolute treasure trove of information with some exceptional photographs.What is always astonishing about Irish interiors and furniture is the sheer colour. This is one of my very favourite photos ever taken by Himself on a most satisfactory inspection of a derelict homestead. Everything was still there - dresser, settle, huge fireplace, holy shelf. And the colours were just zinging. 

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